Tag Archives: argh

i feel i need

9 Apr

Sorry for the lack of posts from yesterday or earlier today; I didn’t feel like writing much.
There will be a proper post up tomorrow. Sorry guys!

i won’t leave a smidgen behind

1 Mar

Home at last!
Oh, it feels positively wonderful to be back, lyin’ on my bed. Aaahhh, we had a good time (as you can tell by the previous post, which was written whilst playing Blackjack), and I’m pretty satisfied game-wise. We did very well.

I’m pretty sure that the reader base I’ve acquired is foaming at the mouth to read the passworded post, so I’ll just say this:
I do not password things to make you all wonder what I could be writing about. I password things because sometimes, I need to get things off my chest that I’m not proud of, and I prefer to write them down rather than spew them out at some poor hapeless small child.
I feel lost at sea.
I probably do not want to go to school tomorrow, ‘specially because I have Snack Shack (which makes me want to curl up and die).


I need to stop angsting about all these little petty things.

Will write more later.


22 Feb

I kind of feel like doing some midnight drabbles, but cannot be bothered to write anything at the moment. Well, besides this.
I am going to make some decisions this week, if I can; if not, that’s alright with me. I go with the proverbial flow when it comes to these sorts of things, but having absolutely no experience means I have no idea if what I’m doing is a good idea or not.
So confusing! I hate this feeling!
It would be much better if I knew one or two of the variables in this equation- damn our unpredictability. Perhaps I’ll talk to Shuggie or Fauberge about it, if either of them will listen.


(also: ‘My Girls’ is a very good, very well-known song.)